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Fuelling the engine: talking nutrition with Melissa Hauschildt

SuuntoRun — 10 октября 2018

Welcome to the second post in a series exploring how Suunto ambassadors and athletes keep their tanks fuelled. How and what they eat is as important as their training. The better the nutrition, the better the training. 

Fuelling the engine, part 2: an interview with triathlete Mel Hauschildt

Buying good quality and diverse produce and preparing nutritious meals is as important for our training as time spent running, cycling, swimming or at the gym. Yet, for many of us – especially for those of us with full time jobs and families – it’s tempting to cut corners when it comes to diet. We tell ourselves “next time”, and whip up a fast meal that fills the hole, but doesn’t fuel the engine.  

Training is all about consistency and honesty. We shouldn’t try to fool ourselves; when we cut corners we don’t really gain in the long run. Instead, the training lifestyle is all about dedication to our sport, and the truth is, at the heart of that is caring for our bodies. 

In this series of posts we explore how Suunto ambassadors and athletes keep their tanks fuelled. In this second instalment, we meet another Australian athlete, Melissa Hauschildt, an Ironman champion who recently set a new world record for fastest time (8:31:04) at the Ironman North American Championships, Texas in April.

The long term outlook

Good nutrition is a major part of Hauschildt’s life. Racing in Ironmans all over the planet, as the 35-year-old does, demands she feeds her engine with only the best fuel. “To be the best athlete I can I need to fuel my body correctly, but it's also important for life after sport,” she says. “I want to stay fit and healthy so I eat a healthy balanced diet.”

Maintaining good diet in busy times

Eating healthy can easily go out the window in busy times – how does Hauschildt maintain it? She prepares ahead of time. “I always have a healthy snack ready to go – nuts are always in abundance in my house, as well as bananas and apples,” she says. “I make almond butter and buckwheat bread at the start of the week so that’s always provides for great quick and easy snacks – almond butter and banana on toast or almond butter on apple.

“I also use Megaburn products. They make the best protein bars, with all natural ingredients, and so delicious! I always have a stack of them in the house. If I know it’ll take a while to make a meal after training, I will have a Megaburn protein shake immediately after so I can then take my time making a nutritious meal and not snack on junk.”

Natural is best

“I try to eat foods in their most natural form. I eat a lot of salad and vegetables, meat, nuts and eggs. I only eat full fat dairy. I make my own healthy treats as well, as my own bread and almond butter. I try to avoid packaged foods and refined sugar. I avoid soy, lentils, anything labeled ‘low fat’ or ‘diet’ and limit grains. I eat a lot of good fats - butter, olive and coconut oil, avocado, nuts, seeds, eggs.”

Easy, go-to meals

“My easy go-to meals tend to be a large salad with some meat. If I don't have any meat in the fridge I always have canned tuna and sardines in the cupboard or eggs. Another quick and easy go to meal for me is an omelette loaded with salad and left over meat or tuna.”

Kangaroo rice bowl


Wild rice
Kangaroo fillets
Red onion
Snow peas
Blue cheese
Olive oil


1. Cook rice to packet instructions. BBQ kangaroo fillets to medium/rare. Kangaroo gets very tough if overcooked.
2. Pre cut salads.
3. Mix some olive oil and lime juice together for dressing. Grate some lime rind.
4. Place cooked rice in bowl then arrange cut salads over it. Crumble some blue cheese on top. Sprinkle with lime rind. Pour over dressing.


Lead image: Photo by Ive Erhard on Unsplash.



Fuelling the engine: Talking nutrition with trail runner Lucy Bartholomew