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Training programs in your Ambit2 S watch and navigation improvements lead the list of new features and usability improvements released April 23rd, 2014.


Training programs in the watch
You can now sync your planned moves to the watch and get daily guidance as well as intensity guidance while exercising. Choose a training program from more than 20,000 available in Movescount or create your own.

Running cadence measured from the wrist
Your running cadence can now be measured using the accelerometer in the watch. If you have a Foot POD, cadence will still come from the POD.

Automatic Foot POD calibration
When you do use your Foot POD, there’s no need to worry about calibrating the POD any longer. By default, the watch automatically calibrates the Foot POD using GPS distance while you are running.

New log details
Exercise summaries in the watch include fastest km/mi as well as lap details. For the triathletes, the default triathlon mode will now get the transition times added.


Quick navigation
Want to run a route or head to a point of interest? You can get going even faster now with the new Quick Navigation setting in Movescount. This feature can be activated for any of your sport modes. Choose routes or POIs. Then, when you select the sport mode, you immediately get a list of the routes or POIs stored in your watch to choose from.

Compass calibrationCompass calibration made easier
The compass calibration has been made easier. No need to take the watch off with this one anymore. Just move your arm around until you hear the beep. Calibration successful!

Compass bearing tracking
You will be able to track a bearing easier now with the new bearing lock feature. Press BACK LAP when the compass is active to lock the bearing on the display. The locked bearing indicator can be visually tracked and stays on the display until you press BACK LAP again.

Waypoint navigation simplified
When you are navigating to a waypoint or POI, the bearing is now shown as an absolute bearing from your current location to the waypoint. This used to be relative to your heading. With this new way, you can easily locate yourself on a map when you know your waypoint, the bearing to it, and your distance to it.


Shortcut to menu
If you have a setting that you need to change frequently or just need to get to some menu item quicker, you can create a shortcut by navigating to the location and keeping the VIEW pressed. The shortcut is then active in TIME mode.

Language change in the watch
You can now change the watch language directly in the watch under GENERAL / Formats / Language.

Power off
If you need to store your watch or are short on battery life, you can put your watch into a deep sleep through the service menu ‘power off’ setting. Wake it back up by connecting the USB cable. All settings except time and date are maintained. Just confirm them through the new startup wizard.

Image: Jordi Saragossa