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Fuelling the engine: talking nutrition with Emelie Forsberg

SuuntoRun — 22 novembra 2018

Welcome to the next post in a series exploring how Suunto ambassadors and athletes keep their tanks fuelled. How and what they eat is as important as their training. The better the nutrition, the better the training. 

For an increasing number of people today nutrition isn’t only a question of what food we eat, it’s also about where that food has come from and how it’s been produced. 

When she's not in the mountains, you can find Emelie in her garden or preparing delicious meals.
When she's not in the mountains, you can find Emelie in her garden or preparing delicious meals. © Matti Bernitz 

Eating seasonally

For Swedish mountain running champion Emelie Forsberg sustainability plays an important role in her decision making around diet. For this reason Forsberg eats seasonally. “In the winter, for example, I try not to buy fruit or anything transported from far away places,” she says. “For me, the seasons are something to go through.”

Fall, she says, is a time to begin spending more time indoors, thinking, reading and reflecting, slowing down after the summer. Winter, Forsberg says, is a time for taking care of oneself, resting, and recharging. Spring is a time of awakening, coming out of hibernation, and using more energy. Summer is a time of fun and intensity.

Forsberg eats different foods during each season. “I really enjoy eating in the winter,” she says. “For breakfast, I eat porridge with berries on top. I’m living in Scandinavia, and we have many berries and greens, and a lot of herbs. In the winter we eat a lot of potatoes. The best is eating potatoes with olive oil and salt! In summer, we have smoothies, more salads, and colder foods.”

Straight from the earth

Forsberg is also an avid gardener. Her dream is to become as self sufficient as possible. Leafy greens, beans, potatoes, berries, carrots, you name it, Forsberg is growing it. Gardening, working with the earth, being in harmony with the seasons, is a form of spirituality for Forsberg. She believes the fresher it is the better.

© Kilian Jornet

Relaxed eating

Listening to her body is a big part of how she eats, rather than following meal plans. “I never have a meal plan,” she says. “In the beginning you need to get into a routine, but now I don’t even think about it anymore. You just need to use your imagination. Some people get obsessed about eating healthy. I’m not like that. I’m relaxed in the way I’m eating.”

Bean power

She is a big fan of beans, and admits to eating them at least once a day. “Even bean cakes and bean cookies,” she laughs. “Like, everything beans – 10 different types of beans, five different types of lentils! When you are vegetarian it’s important to know where you are getting your protein from.”

Easy, go-to meals

Forsberg stores a lot of food in her freezer, including bean burger patties. If it’s going to be a busy week she’ll make a big meal on Monday and store it to have again later in the week. “I like to have back up meals.

“I also make pesto out of everything, any type of green, even the tops of carrots,” she says. “A bit of garlic, olive oil, sun seed flower, nuts and seeds, and I eat it with pasta. I was eating it with bean pasta just now!

Salad with carrot and lentil patties

Salad (green salad, rocket, carrots, beets, brussels and onion from the garden)

3 carrots, grated
4 dl of red lentils; slightly cooked, can be a bit hard.
1/2 an onion
2 tbsp spoon of tahini
a little parsley
chili, salt and black pepper
Mix it all together and fry, or bake them in the oven!

Lead image: Photo by Blair Fraser on Unsplash.